1. Pick Up and Read Managing to Learn and Humble Inquiry – We will discuss in class! Pick up a copy from a colleague or the ZSFG Library. [Library Info]
2. Identify the “Right” problem for Your A3 – You will develop an A3 on your chosen problem. Identifying the “right” problem is critical. Meet with your sponsor and answer 4 questions (Hint: BACKGROUND section of your A3):
- “What is my focused problem?” Choose a defined problem where you have motivation, ownership and ability to change in the next several months. It may be one piece of a larger problem or connected to an existing A3.
- “Why is this problem an important priority now?” (And what things in your department will be less important?) Specifically, how is the problem aligned with True North, organizational strategies, existing A3s, historical events, external pressures like policy changes?
- “How am I going to measure this problem and success?” What data demonstrates there is a problem? How will you know when you have improved?
- “Who are the people who own, impact or are affected by this problem?” Which stakeholders do I will need to engage to understand this problem?
3. Sign Up Now for Our A3 Learning Labs – Reserve a Space Here You are busy, but reserve a space now in our March A3 Learning Labs between Day 1 and 2. Labs are designed to support ongoing practice and 1:1 coaching. The first labs support your practice and creation of swimlane process maps. [Reserve a Space in a Learning Lab Here]
Here is a Link to a Similar Message we sent to our Latest Cohort